Bluehost Web Hosting Help

Automatic Account Creation using ClientExec

In November 2014 Bluehost announced that it will no longer be accepting new shared Reseller hosting signups. As part of that announcement, Bluehost announced a partnership with ResellerClub wherein Bluehost is recommending ResellerClub as the hosting partner of choice for Reseller hosting.

To learn more about this change please see: Reseller Hosting Services FAQ

Client Exec is an application used to help manage your clients. While Bluehost does not support the software itself, we do support the installation and setup. To begin installing Client Exec, follow the instructions below.

Installing ClientExec

  1. Login to your Bluehost Control Panel account.
  2. Click the Billing icon under Reseller Management Tools.
  3. Make sure that Client Exec is selected and then click Continue.
  4. Choose the URL that your customers will use in order to complete an order for hosting services, create tickets ect.
  5. Enter a new password for ClientExec.
  6. Open a new tab or window in your web browser and enter the URL you just specified in the previous steps.
  7. Login using the Log In button at the top right corner of the screen.

  8. Note: The username will be the email address on your Bluehost Account.

Basic Settings

For setting up ClientExec we will mainly use the Setup tab, at the top of the ClientExec screen. First it is recommended that you do a bit of house cleaning.
  1. Company Information

    1. Choose Settings, from the Setup menu.
    2. Under Setup update your Company URL and Name.
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Update button.
  2. General Setup Settings

    1. Click the Signup tab.
    2. Scroll down until you see a section for Prompt for domain username and password, then click No.
    3. Again scroll all the way to the bottom and click Update Settings.
  3. Billing Information

    1. Click the Billing tab.
    2. Update the billing email address to an address on your hosting account.
    3. Click on the support tab and change the support email address, This will also need to be an existing email address on your account.

Adding the Server

  1. Go back to the Setup menu and choose Servers.
  2. Instead of creating a new server, you can simply choose on the existing server and click Edit.
    • Server name is not important (can be whatever you want)
    • Hostname needs to be the hostname for the box.
      Note: You can find the hostname under the stats section of the reseller cpanel.
    • The Shared IP section needs to be the IP address of your account.
    • This too can be found under the stats section of the cPanel tab.
    • Select cPanel under the Plugin section.
  3. Click the Name Servers tab.
  4. Now that we are on the Name Servers tab we need to get both reseller name servers setup in ClientExec.
  5. Click the Add Nameserver button.
  6. Hostname: set it to and with their respective IP addresses.
    Note: The IP addresses can be found by performing a dig on ( will be shown in the additional section).
  7. Click the Plugins tab.
    • Username: This is your cPanel username (found under the Stats section of the resellers cPanel)
    • Access Hash: Found in the Setup Remote Access Key section of WHM.
      1. Login to your Control Panel and click WHM.
      2. Click setup Remote Access Key, located under the Cluster/Remote Access.
    • Set Use SSL to Yes.
  8. Click Update to save the settings.

Configuring Plugins

  1. From the Setup menu choose Plugins.
  2. Click Order Processor tab in the right column.
  3. Click the Yes radio button to enable the Order Processor.
  4. Click Update to save the changes.
  5. Once you do this.
  6. Payment Processors tab next to the services tab you are currently on.
  7. The steps for each payment processor will vary a little, but you need to make sure that you Enable the option in signup and click Update to save the settings for that payment processor.
  8. Choose Products/Addons from the Setup tab.
  9. Choose or create a new a package to associate with a particular server (remember that we just setup a server earlier in the process).
  10. Once having selected a package, you can edit the setting for it here.
  11. You can edit the name, description, etc.
  12. Click the Advanced tab and associate a server with this package.
  13. Enter the Package Name, This would need to have been previously been created.
  14. It is a good idea to copy and past the name of the package (including the username) so that you can get it exactly.
  15. Click Update.
You are now able to allow your customers to create accounts automatically using ClientExec.
Knowledgebase Article 123,109 views bookmark tags: account automate clientexec reseller resold whm

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