Bluehost Web Hosting Help

WordPress: How to Disable Trackbacks

When you use WordPress for your site or blog, you may want to disable trackbacks. This article will show you how to do that.

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard. In the main menu, scroll over Settings and click Discussion.
  2. From the Default Article Settings section, uncheck the box for “Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)”.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.

This will disable Trackbacks on all posts and pages you create from now on. However, any posts or pages you have already created will probably still have Trackbacks enabled.

  1. To disable trackbacks on a previously created post or page, go to the editor for the post/page.
  2. At the top, click Screen Options to bring down the menu.
  3. Select the checkbox for Discussion. This will let you see the Discussion options for this post/page in the editor.
  4. Now, scroll down until you see the Discussion section in the Editor. Uncheck the box for “Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this page”.
  5. Click Update on the post/page to save your changes.
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